Drage moje, sigurno ste u poslednje vreme po raznim sajtovima i prodavnicama vidjale privlačne majčice i sada popularne crop topove čija cena ume da bude kako mala tako i prilično velika pa ne mogu svi da ih priušte. Ako ste vi jedne od onih koje ne mogu da ih priušte ili pak volite da same pravite unikatnu odeću nastavite da čitate jer imam rešenje koje će zadovoljiti obe strane !!!
My dears, you're certainly in recent times by various sites and shops used to see t-shirts and attractive now popular crop tops whose price can be small but in some cases fairly large and not everyone can afford them. If you are one of those who can not afford them or you just like to make very unique clothes keep reading because I have a solution that will satisfy both sides !!!
Internet je preplavljen raznim idejama kako da se naprave upravo crop topovi. Ima toliko ideja koje su dobre, ali i dosta njih koje ne vredi ni pokušavati... Ideja koju vam ja pretstavljam je jako dobra s obzirom da sve što vam je potrebno već imate u kući.
The Internet is flooded with many ideas how to make crop tops. There are so many ideas which ones are good, and a lot of them that's not even worth trying ... The idea that I represent you is very good considering that all you need you already have at home.
Potreban materijal :
- Obična bela majca
- Makaze
-Silikonske gumice
-Boja za jaja (boja po želji)
Materials needed:
- Regular white shirt
- Scissors
- Headbands
- Color for eggs (color optional)
Boja za jaja se ne nalazi na slici samo zato što nisam imala gde da je kupim u vreme slikanja
posta , možete koristiti bilo koju boju za jaja i ona se prodaje u svim prodavnicama i nije skuplja od 10 dinara.
Color eggs are not in the picture just because I had no place to buy it at the time of taking this picture, you can use any color for the eggs and it is sold in all stores inexpensive
Majci isecite rukave i donji deo po vašoj želji. Napravite Crop Top po vašoj meri i zabavite se pravivši ga ♥
The most important thing:
Cut the sleeves on the shirt and lower part of your choice. Make Crop Top to fit your needs and have fun ♥
Postupak :
- Kada isečete i prilagodite majcu, skuvajte boju za jaja na uobičajen način (stavite vodu u maloj šerpici na ringli dok ne provri, kada voda provri sipajte boju za jaja, sačekajte par minuta zatim pomerite boju i sačekajte da se ohladi). Sipajte boju u bočicu sa raspršivačem.
- Kada smo obavili prvi deo, uzimamo majcu i gužvamo je u krug ( Slika 1 )
- Vezujemo majcu gumicama kako bi ostala na mestu ( Slika 2 )
- Prskamo majcu bojom za jaja gde i koliko god hoćemo
- Sačekamo da se majca osuši na suncu 45-60 min
- Skinemo gumicee i uživamo u dobijenom proizvodu
- When cut and customize the shirt, the egg color the eggs cook in the usual way (put water in a small sauce pan on the stove until it boils, when the water boils pour the egg color _, wait a few minutes and then move the color and allow to cool). Pour the the egg color into a spray bottle.
- When we did the first part, we take a T-shirt and crowd in the circuit (Picture 1)
- Fasten shirt with elastic bands to remain in place (Picture 2)
- Shirt spraying with paint _ where and how we want
- Wait for it to dry in the sun for about 45-60 min
- Take off elastic bands and enjoy the resulting product
Slika 1
Slika 2
The resulting product
Pre nego što završimo želim da kažem da postoje razni načini na koje možemo našu majcu učiniti još unikatnijom, ja sam izabrala da to budu jednostavne pletenice i sliku za ovu vrstu stavljam odmah ispod kako biste mogli da napravite istu majcu kao i jaa ♥
Before I finish I want to say that there are various ways in which we can make our shirt even more unique, I have chosen simple braids and a picture of this kind I will put just below, so you can make the same shirt as me ♥
![Maak zelf heel eenvoudig van een oud t-shirt een sexy croptop met franjes..... DIY make a sexy fringe croptop from an old t-shirt](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e7/6b/4e/e76b4e22b4ae1498da7071a42731e5b0.jpg)
Od dobijenih trakica ispletete kikice i zavežetee .....
From the obtained strips weave braids and fasten ....
VAŽNA NAPOMENA : Nije poželjno da se majca stalno i prekomerno pere, zato što boja malkice izbledi ali ipak majca je super i vredna pravljenja ( Budite sigurni da se majca dobro osušila prilikom prskanja da se gore navedeno nebi dogodilo)
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not desirable that the shirt constantly and excessively wash, because the color fades a little bit but shirt is great and worth making (Be sure that the shirt was dry well when spraying to above would have happened)
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